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The Sammy Jo Brandon Foundation (SJBF) has been affected by COVID-19, just like everyone else. All charities have seen their fundraising events cancelled or rescheduled. This has led to a significant reduction in donations coming in. It’s possible that we will see some charities close down due to this. 

We are in a good position at the Sammy Jo Brandon Foundation because we have no monthly overheads. Everyone at the SJBF works from home, using their own equipment and they give up their time for free. We only buy necessary things when we have the money and most of the time we pay for these out of our own pockets. This is our way of contributing to the foundation. 

Even though Children with Cancer UK are not getting the same amount of donations due to COVID-19, they are still helping the same number of children and their families, so it is extremely important that we continue to try and raise funds for these unfortunate children.

The London Marathon raised £66.4 million in 2019 for a lot of great charities and it is the biggest fundraising day of the year in the UK. Working with the team at CWCUK, we had 24 fantastic people lined up to run the marathon this year, expecting to raise around £60,000. 

To everyone’s disappointment, the race has had to be postponed due to COVID-19. However, a new date has been arranged for the race to take place on 4th of October. 

We also had a black-tie night arranged, to recognise the marathon runner’s achievements, and to award them with a “Sammy Jo Brandon Foundation Certificate of Achievement”. 

Unfortunately, the new date means that 6 of our runners will not be able to run. This is such a disappointment after all the hard work and the huge amount of hours they have spent training. Every one of us at the Foundation really appreciates their efforts, and hopes they will try again in the future.

We have now found 6 replacement runners for October, and we have rescheduled the “Marathon After-Party” to 28th November. There are still tickets available for this new date. If anyone is interested, see our events page here.

Our Annual Football Match this year is supposed to be happening on 19th July. We have our fingers crossed that we will be allowed to go ahead by then. If not, we will reschedule and keep you all up to date on the website. The same applies to the Golf Day on the 19th September.

We welcome any feedback that will help us with this website and our mission. We would also like to invite you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. To keep up to date with our news and upcoming events, keep visiting the website or sign up for our newsletter here (for later). 

Thank you to everyone that has helped us over the last 2 years. It’s been a fantastic achievement so far, but we still have a long way to go to reach our target of £1,000,000. We really appreciate your support. Keep safe during these strange times and we hope to see every single one of you soon