The Website – by Matt Brandon
The Sammy Jo Brandon Foundation Website went live on the 14th May 2020. On this day, 2 years previous, we lost Sammy Jo to breast cancer.
We were keen for the foundation to have a website for a long while, but like most projects, it was always pushed to the back of the queue for one reason or another. Eventually we found the right people to build our website and as the build was coming to an end, we realised we were close to Sammy’s Remembrance Day, so it seemed only right to have this unforgettable day as our launch date.

Sammy and I spent a lot of time on the internet, looking for information relating to whatever aspect of her illness we were contending with at any one time.
Since then, I have had time to reflect on the information she was looking for and realised that there are probably other people looking for the same answers and information.
I spent a lot of time researching her predicament and how to do things in order, legally, when she was diagnosed with secondary cancer.
This led me to the idea of a website that will give details of Sammy’s journey, dealing with Breast Cancer and losing her battle. I realised it can also include details of my obstacles and what I researched from the perspective of her Dad.
So here we are, up and running with the Sammy Jo Brandon Foundation website.
The objective of this website is to help patients and the people close to them, who may be going through a similar journey to the one Sammy and ourselves went through. Sammy Jo had brest cancer but we want to support all types of cancer, especially those that affect children.
Here you can find out about some of the experiences she had to deal with – the things that became an issue or a problem for her. Also, the information and experiences that we have picked up along the way that we want to share with you. Some information will be links to other websites we found to be very helpful.
We also want to use the website to promote the Foundation and our events, by posting photos, videos and stories about our fundraising.

These are early days while the website is new, but we will update it regularly with more of our experiences and information.
And look out for a wider range of Sammy Jo Brandon Foundation merchandise, coming soon.
We will also use the updates to inform you of upcoming events along with the progress of our London Marathon runners and their fundraising achievements.